Job Readiness Training Opportunities for Youth in Georgia


As part of our commitment to empowering young people and fostering their economic growth, we are offering job readiness training programs in collaboration with Partners Georgia - PG. These initiatives are made possible through the generous support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the USAID Unity Through Diversity program implemented by the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNA Georgia).

Our job readiness trainings are specifically designed to equip young individuals with the essential skills needed to excel in today's competitive job market. By partnering with youth centers across Georgia and taking their valuable feedback into consideration, we ensure that our training programs meet the needs and aspirations of the participants.

Participants of our previous training programs have testified to the effectiveness and value of the training they received. Turkan Aliyeva, a member of the Marneuli Youth Center, expressed her satisfaction, stating, "The training provided us with vital information on the topic of 'Readiness for work.' We gained insights into effective communication, proper time management, and the principles of teamwork. The combination of theoretical explanations and engaging group and individual activities made the training both informative and enjoyable."

Through our job readiness training programs, we aim to empower young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance their employability and overall professional development. By focusing on essential topics such as effective communication, time management, and teamwork, we equip participants with the tools they need to thrive in the workforce.

If you're a young person in Georgia seeking to improve your job readiness and boost your economic prospects, we invite you to join our upcoming training sessions. Stay tuned for announcements regarding the dates and locations of these valuable opportunities.