UNAG’s cooperation with the Border Police of Georgia


Since 1998 United Nations Association of Georgia is committed to the establishment of long-term and independent non-governmental initiative in the sphere of refugee protection, which facilitates determination of necessities of people of concern to UNHCR and their possible resolution. In order to achieve the given aims UNAG in frames of its acting program "Refugee Council of Georgia”, supported by the UNHCR, carries out different activities, including legal counseling for refugees and asylum-seekers, court representation, training for various target groups, etc. One of such groups is the Georgian Border Police to which UNAG is a longstanding partner. Since 2001 UNAG conducts regular trainings for the educational center of Border Police in frames of RCG project. Up to now, UNAG has trained approximately 450 border guards (21 trainings), among them high-level officers. The trainings aim to provide border guards with theoretical and practical knowledge in international protection of refugees, including international and local legislations. The lawyers working in frames of RCG project and staff members of protection unit of the UNHCR Tbilisi branch office lead the trainings. Trainings are held at the Training Center of the Georgian Border Police in Lilo, Tbilisi. The discussions at the trainings generally include 1951 Geneva Convention &amp; 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, as well as protection of refugees under national legislation. Practical exercises and number of issues related to the procedures to be carried out by border guards towards asylum-seekers at the State borders are also in the agenda of the trainings. Various guiding principles and/or internal rules related to the treatment of vulnerable groups by the border guard and relation with the relevant State structures are also developed. Participants are provided with relevant educational materials. The success is also visible concerning practical issues; border guards deal with asylum-seekers better at the borders and possess information on the minimal standards of their treatment. Currently, in 2008,two of such trainings has already been held and several areplanned during the year.</p> <!-- EndFragment -->